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Important Skills

Soft Skills

-Presentation Skills

-Organization & Time Management

-Leadership Experience

-Emotional Intelligence




Team Skills




-Task Prioritization

-Conflict Resolution


-Openness to Differing Views

Business & Tech Skills

-Strategic Planning

-Business Writing

-Presentation Design



-Data Analysis

Soft Skills

The highest ranked soft skills for Team 29 are Emotional Intelligence and Responsibility


The lowest ranked soft skills for Team 29 are Presentation skills and Leadership Experience. These skills are ones we hope to improve upon this semester as we give everyone opportunities to be team leaders and as we conduct presentations in various classes.




Team Skills

The highest ranked team skills for Team 29 are Commitment and Reliability. These are skills align with our team values and express our team's overall dedication to the group's performance.


The lowest ranked team skills for Team 29 are Task Prioritization and Conflict Resolution. We hope that as we are challenged this year to balance a variety of assignments and collaborate as a group we will grow our abilities to prioritize tasks and talk through disagreements. 




Business & Tech Skills

The highest ranked business and team skills for Team 29 are Business Writing, Presentation Design, and Data Analysis. 


The lowest ranked business and tech skill for Team 29 is Programming. With several of us coming from a limited technology background, programming knowledge and experience is not a strength of ours, but an area of information systems that we will be able to grow this year.



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